This method works on all the new browsers (IE7, Firefox 2, etc) and most old browsers.
text-align: center;
.centertbl table
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
text-align: left;
The first style is applied to the <div>
that contains
the <table>
; this will allow MSIE5 and NS4 to center the
table. The next style applies to a <table>
that is contained
within that <div>
; the margin settings will allow centering
in CSS-compliant browsers and the text alignment will reset the default
alignment for table cells to “left” for browsers in which the text alignment
of the <div>
is inherited.
An example of a <table>
styled this was is as follows:
td1 | Some dummy text here and there. |
This table was centered by all the browsers tested, and the cell contents also maintained their default left-alignment.